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Casual Connect is about matching the creativity of the games industry with new media innovation and investment to find the next big thing. Join us in Eastern Europe a region with a rich history and a modern tech culture that represents the cutting edge of gaming. Eastern Europe is an area known for its vibrant nightlife, come experience networking at its best. INDIE PRIZE and DEV SHOWCASE.
Casual Connect is about matching the creativity of the games industry with new media innovation and investment to find the next big thing. Join us in Eastern Europe a region with a rich history and a modern tech culture that represents the cutting edge of gaming. Eastern Europe is an area known for its vibrant nightlife, come experience networking at its best. INDIE PRIZE and DEV SHOWCASE.
Investment, innovation, creativity, tel aviv. Join Us in Tel Aviv 19 - 21 October 2015 -. Join us in Tel Aviv, the undisputed innovation and investment capital. Of the world to explore how your creativity and business can merge to create beautiful games. With over 100 speakers and lectures from the leaders in the emerging markets of the games industry covering game design, casino, funding, next-generation technology and best pratices. INDIE PRIZE and DEV SHOWCASE.
Casual Connect Tel Aviv is about matching the creativity of the games industry with new media innovation and investment to find the next big thing. Tel Aviv is a fun and beautiful city filled with history, culture and representing the cutting edge of gaming. Join us in Tel Aviv, the undisputed innovation and investment capital. Tel Aviv is a city known for its vibrant nightlife, come experience networking at its best. INDIE PRIZE and DEV SHOWCASE.
Ist ein in Norddeutschland tätiger Pflegedienst mit dem Schwerpunkt der außerklinischen Intensivpflege und Heimbeatmung. Für unsere Klientenversorgung in Hamburg, Neumünster und Kiel. Stellen ab sofort examinierte Pflegefachkräfte. auch ambulante Intensivpflege in Ihrem eigenen Zuhause.
почту мы вышлем Вам новый. Расскажите нам, что случилось. Обучение специалистов по управлению недвижимостью. Программа и стоимость обучения курсов СРМ.